'Dirty Moves' is a mixtape collection of improv jams and room recordings and loops from us Chandeliers in various forms over the past 4 years. It is what the title describes, and everything (except one jam: thanks benjamin balcom) was recorded by the band on our Tascam 4-Track tape machine. Most of the recordings involved only one mic, so compared to our studio recordings, this is more like being in the same room with us while we're playing. A seamless collection of 33 lost mini soundtracks to the films in your head.... Here is the tracklisting:
01. Analogue Cabin (2:30)
02. Rubber Room (0:42)
03. 3rd World (2:30)
04. Rotation (0:31)
05. Dragon Contest (2:17)
06. Telekinesis (4:19)
07. Pharaoh's Fury (2:47)
08. Baker Bros (1:35)
09. Taste of Cherry (1:12)
10. San Miguel (1:48)
11. Aerobiz (1:27)
12. Prisoner (0:59)
13. Yaqona (2:27)
14. The Durks (1:04)
01. Barcelona (0:49)
02. Mayfield (0:52)
03. Triumph (0:42)
04. Ravecrunk (0:41)
05. Everybody Knows (1:35)
06. Sarah Lynn (0:33)
07. In the Octagon (2:01)
08. Street Talk (1:47)
09. Champion (1:40)
10. Color Motion (0:35)
11. Moon Lit (1:00)
12. Yellow Sky (1:00)
13. Arms Deal (0:49)
14. Hotshot (0:54)
15. Circulation (2:18)
16. Sensory Deprivation (0:32)
17. Fiji (1:06)
18. Axis (1:19)
19. Rice (2:20)
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